Economic Development
You may be surprised when you see how many local businesses we have...there is definitely something for everyone. Please click the link above and have a look!
Live and work in an area surrounded by natural beauty. The proximity to major metropolitan areas, provides easy access to your business and convenience for your customers. Work where you play! There are a variety of recreational activities going on all four seasons – a recreational paradise for individuals and families.
Click the link above for more information!
West Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (WCWRPC) is a multi-county planning agency created under Wisconsin State Statute 66.0309. It was established in 1971 by the Governor due to a petition from the counties comprising the region. These counties are Barron, Chippewa, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Polk, and St. Croix. WCWRPC is statutorily charged with the responsibility of planning for the physical, social and economic development of the region. We provide technical assistance and advisory services on regional issues to the local governments and organizations within the region and often serve as a coordinating agency for local programs and activities.
The Frederic Area Chamber is a an organization made up of local businesses and their representatives. The Chamber is responsible for the Frederic Family Days Annual Celebration, Christmas in Frederic and other events throughout the year. Please click the link above for more information!
In 2017 Frederic received a 50/50 grant from WCWRPC to complete a Comprehensive Plan. With the help of Eric Anderson, Senior Planner, the Planning Commission looked at each facet of the Village and worked hard to project short term and long term goals. The Comprehensive Plan is used as a road map for future expenditures and planning. Please click the link above to see a copy of the Comprehensive Plan.